Can Businesses End Their Contract with a Professional Coach or Consultant?

This article explains how companies can end their contract with professional coaches or consultants. It covers topics such as evaluation tools used for training processes, different types of coaching relationships, business training requirements for coaches, insura

Can Businesses End Their Contract with a Professional Coach or Consultant?

Coaching relationships can vary in terms of length and complexity. Evaluation tools are often used to help focus the training process. Short-term feedback coaching usually lasts from one to six months and is designed to provide immediate feedback to the person in order to help them create a plan to address their specific needs. On the other hand, deep, long-term coaching involves a close, long-term relationship between coach and person to address specific needs and usually lasts from six to twelve months.

This type of training requires deeper data collection and analysis, as well as an intensive feedback session. Generally, the coach will continue working with the client until the plan is implemented. It is also suggested that business training is necessary, such as an MBA or its experiential equivalent (Foxhall, 2002, 52-53; Kampa-Kokesch, &; Anderson, 2001, 212; Hart, Blattner, & Leipsic, 2001, 233,23). In short, coaches are qualified in different ways. In the past, it was more focused as part of an ongoing consulting contract in which the executive develops a relationship with the consultant and the consultant creates a retention environment with the executive in which learning can take place. When guidance is provided, the relationship can be extended to the person's supervisor who helps define performance objectives and provides feedback on progress but does not participate in the training sessions themselves.

As mentioned before, executive coaching is inclusive and evolutionary. To differentiate themselves, most professional coaches have taken courses and graduated from accredited training programs. It is important for companies to make a list of their services and any risks they are concerned about. They should also ask their broker to confirm that their policy will cover them should any of these eventualities arise. However, it is difficult to find specialized insurance policies that adequately cover coaches and mentors in Australia or Australian policies that cover foreign clients. The individual, coach and supervisor (if applicable) must agree on the desired outcomes of the coaching relationship.

Regardless of the model used, all coaching relationships should focus on negotiating the work to be done, doing the actual work and closing the job. Some organizations have adopted the competencies identified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), according to which coaches must comply with ethical guidelines of the profession. In addition, the coach and individual will determine the terms and logistics of the coaching relationship and will obtain appropriate approvals when necessary. Forming a proprietary limited company (Pty Ltd) effectively turns your company into a legal entity separate from yours.

Mía Martin
Mía Martin

Hardcore beer trailblazer. Unapologetic bacon evangelist. Travel enthusiast. Lifelong music maven. Evil travel buff. Devoted food scholar.